

Here is an example of an Experiment object

    "algo_count": 1,
    "created": "2018-11-20T09:43:43.442381Z",
    "dataset": "Iris_dataset.csv",
    "dataset_parameters": {"param_1": "somevalue", "param_2": 12},
    "description": "It is just a demo experiment to show you what's inside.",
    "id": "6616120a-28b2-4c8b-a1c6-7f18c639632c",
    "metrics": [
        { "metric_name": "metric_1", "type": "reward" },
        { "metric_name": "metric_2", "type": "loss" }
    "name": "Demo Experiment",
    "owner": "bender_admin",
    "trial_count": 2
  • algo_count : number - Number of algos in this experiment
  • created : string - Date of creation
  • dataset : string - Name of the used dataset
  • dataset_parameters : dict - Custom object to store your own metadata about your experiment
  • description : string - Quick description of the experiment
  • id : string - Id of the experiment
  • metrics: array - Each one of them should be either from type loss or reward depending if you are trying to minimize or maximize this metric in your experiment.
  • name : string - Name of the experiment
  • owner : string - Owner of the experiment
  • trial_count : number - Number of trials in this experiment


Here is an example of an Algo object

    "id": "0597ca48-66f7-42be-9021-12ec57d4251e",
    "name": "sklearn-svm",
    "owner": "bender_admin",
    "experiment": "6616120a-28b2-4c8b-a1c6-7f18c639632c",
    "created": "2018-11-07T17:01:27.286194Z",
    "description": "One of the various possibilities.",
    "parameters": [
            "algo": "0597ca48-66f7-42be-9021-12ec57d4251e"
            "category": "categorical"
            "name": "kernel"
            "search_space": { "values": ["linear", "poly", "rbf", "sigmoid"] }
            "algo": "0597ca48-66f7-42be-9021-12ec57d4251e"
            "category": "uniform"
            "name": "C"
            "search_space": { "high": 5, "step": 0.1, "low": -5 }
    "trial_count": 60
  • created : string - Date of creation
  • description : string - Quick description of the algo
  • experiment : string - Id of the experiment
  • id : string - Id of the algo
  • name : string - Name of the algo
  • owner : string - Owner of the algo
  • parameters: array - An array of hyperparameters (see the hyperparameters section just below)
  • trial_count : number - Number of trials in this


Here are some examples of Hyperparameters objects that can appear in an Algo.

    "algo": "0597ca48-66f7-42be-9021-12ec57d4251e",
    "name": "x1",
    "category": "uniform",
    "search_space": {
        "low": 0,
        "high": 10,
}  #  some examples: 8.364, 2.3, 4.5, etc.

    "algo": "0597ca48-66f7-42be-9021-12ec57d4251e",
    "name": "x1_step",
    "category": "uniform",
    "search_space": {
        "low": 0,
        "high": 10,
        "step": 1
}  #  some examples: 0, 5, 6, 7, etc.

    "algo": "0597ca48-66f7-42be-9021-12ec57d4251e",
    "name": "x2",
    "category": "loguniform",
    "search_space": {
        "low": 1e4,
        "high": 1e6,
        "base": 10,
}  #  some examples: 3.14456e4, 5.36412e5, 9.12450e6, etc.

    "algo": "0597ca48-66f7-42be-9021-12ec57d4251e",
    "name": "x2_step",
    "category": "loguniform",
    "search_space": {
        "low": 1e4,
        "high": 1e6,
        "step": 1e3,
        "base": 10,
}  #  some examples: 3.1e4, 5.36e5, 9.126e6, etc.

    "algo": "0597ca48-66f7-42be-9021-12ec57d4251e",
    "name": "x3",
    "category": "normal",
    "search_space": {
        "mu": 8,
        "sigma": 4,
        "low": 0,
        "high": 10,
    }  #  some examples: 8.3, 7.5, 5.6, 7.9, etc.

    "algo": "0597ca48-66f7-42be-9021-12ec57d4251e",
    "name": "x3_step",
    "category": "normal",
    "search_space": {
        "mu": 8,
        "sigma": 4,
        "low": 0,
        "high": 10,
        "step": 0.2,
}  #  some examples: 8.2, 8, 7.6, 5.6, etc.

    "algo": "0597ca48-66f7-42be-9021-12ec57d4251e",
    "name": "x4",
    "category": "lognormal",
    "search_space": {
        "mu": 1e-5,
        "sigma": 1e1,
        "low": 1e-7,
        "high": 1e-3,
        "base": 10,
}  #  some examples: 1.2e-5, 0.3e-6, 7.65e-4 etc.

    "algo": "0597ca48-66f7-42be-9021-12ec57d4251e",
    "name": "x5",
    "category": "categorical",
    "search_space": {
        "values": ["a", "b", "c", "d"],
        "probabilities": [1 / 3, 1 / 3, 1 / 6, 1 / 6]
}  #  some examples: a, b, a, b, c, etc.
  • algo: string - Id of the algo
  • name: string - Name of your hyperparameter
  • category: string->[enum] - One of the following values depending on the type of your variable : categorical, uniform, loguniform, normal, lognormal
  • search_space: dict - Depending on the value of the ‘category’ field, the search_space dict can or must contain different keys. To know what to fill, look at the matching table below.

step, if not specificated, will explore the search space in a continuous interval

base, is set at 10 by default

  uniform loguniform normal lognormal categorical
mu forbidden forbidden mandatory mandatory forbidden
sigma forbidden forbidden mandatory mandatory forbidden
low mandatory mandatory mandatory mandatory forbidden
high mandatory mandatory mandatory mandatory forbidden
step optional optional optional optional forbidden
base forbidden optional forbidden optional forbidden
values forbidden forbidden forbidden forbidden mandatory
probabilities forbidden forbidden forbidden forbidden optional


Here is an example of an Trial object

    "id": "d188b0e6-9080-415d-be78-57efe8589a80",
    "algo_name": "sklearn-svm",
    "algo": "0597ca48-66f7-42be-9021-12ec57d4251e",
    "comment": "Pretty much nothing",
    "created": "2018-11-07T17:01:27.292336Z",
    "experiment": "6616120a-28b2-4c8b-a1c6-7f18c639632c",
    "owner": "bender_admin",
    "parameters": {
        "C": 0.07699688616826196,
        "kernel": "poly"
    "results": {
        "test_accuracy": 1,
        "test_cohen_kappa": 1,
        "train_accuracy": 0.97,
        "train_cohen_kappa": 0.9546896239238786
    "weight": 1
  • algo : string - Id of the algo
  • algo_name : string - Name of the algo
  • comment : string - Something to say about this trial
  • created : string - Date of creation
  • experiment : string - Id of the experiment
  • id : string - Id of the trial
  • owner : string - Owner of the experiment
  • parameters : dict - Values of hyperparameters used for this trial
  • results : dict - Metric results for this trial.
  • weight : number - optional Importance of this trial compared to the others (default 1)


The currently supported optimizers are :

